Monday, February 11, 2019

Riddle me this....

It's been a while. I've been busy. While the school board may have an issue with me volunteering, my local PTA unit is supportive as long as I follow the guidelines of the county, meaning I take measures not to interact with children during any of the events I put together as PTA President at my daughter's school or as the county council's Reflections Art Program Chair. This does keep me busy, despite the restrictions. I am passionate about the arts so helping run the Reflections program is also very satisfying to me on a personal level.

But should I be pacified with this level of involvement? Absolutely not. Why? 4/5 of the PTA work I put in doesn't even directly involve my own child or a program she's interested in. In some ways I don't mind because this actually ended up making me grow more as a person and advocate than I possibly would have otherwise, and has definitely raised my personal bar about what contributing to my community looks like.  But that said, as lovely as that is I would just love to be able to volunteer as a coach on one of her teams or as a room parent in her classroom, but that's not in the cards for me at the present time so I help where I can.

Today's blog post began after I was having a rough morning and made a facebook post about it:

Today and tomorrow mark the most anticipated elementary field trip for my 5th grader
The Mud Walk

When she was in kindergarten I found out I was ineligible to be a dividend volunteer in my county because of a 10 year old (at the time) nonviolent and non child-related offense, and I have been fighting to change that ever since.

Some progress seems to be made in the last five years, but baby steps sure feel like failure when you have to miss out on something important to your kiddo

I'll just be over here having a pity party that lasts until at least Wednesday 
Maybe longer as I think about the little guy starting Pre-K next year and all the fun things I'm going to miss for him too

So then as I kept dwelling on it (as I am probably going to do for a few days just because that is what's happening in my world right now and it is harder for me to ignore how hurtful it is when it is forced front and center) I started thinking I was going to add to/edit the post and then I realized that 1. I had way too much to say for a facebook post and 2. I hadn't been to my blog in a while

So I sat down at the computer and this is what came out:

The current guidelines are ineffective (as evidenced by any and all "screened and approved" teachers found guilty of offenses against students), discriminatory (dare I say it?  bullying), and NOT required by state statute (ONLY screening for violence and sexual offenses is required by FDOE)

It is also discouraging to schools and PTA's that have a hard enough time getting volunteers as it is. Who wants to risk everyone finding out about something stupid they did decades ago? When you are trying to rebuild yourself the thought of everyone judging you can be terrifying. It was only through a series of events in my life that led me through years of therapy that I was able to determine that the best way to address that fear for MYSELF, is to put it out there right away and get it over with. And you know what? Most people are WAY more understanding and forgiving than I ever would have expected. I really struggle to see where any actual support for these guidelines would come from, since the positive response to my posts over the years has been overwhelming and incredible.

Guess what? Some parents are convicted felons. Probably way more than a lot of people realize, because the stigma of being a felon leads to secrecy and not sharing about it. But depending on the severity of the crime, whether or not it involved violence or children, as well as the length of time and whether or not any additional offenses have happened since, are things that SHOULD but are NOT considered before denying someone the chance to volunteer.

But here's the thing.....We can't stigmatize both the felon parents AND their children for the child's entire school career when nothing about the crime involved children or any violence that would be a concern around children, that's just wrong.  Especially when it has been PROVEN and is part of this same county's handbook that parental involvement has a significant impact on student success.

So this is me, standing up and saying it loudly for everyone to hear, "THIS IS WRONG"


Often when an issue comes up at an event I'm going to be helping at, I am restricted in my duties during a time that parents are entering the school without any screening whatsoever. That Raptor system? I think it was a great step to implement since prior to that there was no way to screen visiting adults for sex offenses, however it's only running during school hours.

All those after hours events that I help at with PTA but I am watched carefully and admonished if I do anything to "look like a volunteer" don't require any screening of any of the parents that show up and interact with anyone else's child that happens to speak to them. To put it simply, at a time/event that we are not even screening for sex offenders per FL state law because school is not in session and there is no expectation for the schools to provide that screening when children are at an event with their parent/guardian. During these times, I am prohibited by the current guidelines to do something helpful to my team such as hand out food or drinks to students that are there in attendance WITH THEIR PARENTS. I have actually had to stand by, not helping, as my friends and team members scramble to hand out items to long lines of children and families.

Now if someone can actually explain to me how that makes any logical sense, I will gladly turn tail and stop advocating for a change in the current SCPS dividend Screening Guidelines.
Until then, I'll just be over here letting everyone know up front what a big scary felon I am.

PS. Hooray for Amendment Four! I am officially registered to vote for the first time in my entire life!!! Let us only hope that the wave of change continues. Felons are people too!

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